Pre-sleep nutrition: Boost muscle recovery before bed
Muscle Growth, Diet & Nutrition Martin Ebner Muscle Growth, Diet & Nutrition Martin Ebner

Pre-sleep nutrition: Boost muscle recovery before bed

Sleep and recovery go hand in hand. Nothing is more restorative than a good night's rest. Athletes are no strangers to the "optimize everything" mentality that's often needed in the gym for optimal athletic performance and constant PR-shattering. Now, you may be able to optimize your sleep schedule and nighttime routine to improve your training sessions the next day without sacrificing sleep. Meet pre-sleep nutrition, your key to boosting overnight recovery and muscle growth.

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Lean Bulking for the Endomorph: More Muscle, Less Fat

Lean Bulking for the Endomorph: More Muscle, Less Fat

If you're an endomorph, like Tom Hardy or Jennifer Lopez, I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that, in general, you're as likely to gain body fat as you are muscle mass. The good news is that Dr. Sheldon believed that endomorphs have a tendency toward a “viscerotonic” personality: relaxed, comfortable, and extroverted.

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How much muscle can you gain in a month?

How much muscle can you gain in a month?

Whether returning to a training program or just beginning, the first month brings up the age-old question: Can I look like Daniel Craig as James Bond or Alicia Vikander as Tomb Raider in 4 weeks or less? The answer is no, you probably can’t! However, you can add muscle mass and start your journey to the body composition you desire.

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Clean Bulking vs Dirty Bulking: Which is best for muscle growth?

Clean Bulking vs Dirty Bulking: Which is best for muscle growth?

Bulking refers to a gradual increase in the number of calories you take in combined with intense weight training. Any calorie intake beyond what your body needs to maintain your current bodyweight is a calorie surplus that your body can then use to build muscle. But which is better, clean or dirty bulking? We have the answers!

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