Healthy new year's resolutions you can stick to

healthy new years resolutions

By Martin Ebner

With the end of year festivities coming to a close, many view the new year as an opportunity for self-improvement and in many cases, to reverse all of the poor lifestyle and dietary choices made over the previous year.

Now, while self-improvement is always encouraged, the problem with most new year’s resolutions is that they tend to be wildly dramatic and idealistic lifestyle changes, not realistic and attainable goals. This is probably why some 75% of resolutions are broken within the first two weeks of the new year.

Beat the statistic this year with these simple yet healthy New year's resolutions that you can stick too long after everyone else has thrown in the towel.

Eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day

Make fruits and vegetables your number one dietary priority in 2018 and your body will thank you in ways you can’t imagine. Their high levels of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants will have you feeling and looking great in no time.

Walk a mile a day

Walking is free, can be done anywhere, and is suitable for all fitness levels, yet it’s something so many of us overlook as a great form of exercise. By walking just 1 mile a day (1.6km) or roughly 16 blocks a day, you can promote weight loss, boost your mood, and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Eat clean

healthy eating plans ebylife

If you have the tendency to get most of your food from a package, give eating clean a try in the new year.

By choosing fresh foods over processed whenever possible you’ll feel more energised, reduce your risk of disease and improve your chances of burning off any stubborn post-Christmas podge!

Note: It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. By making small but significant changes to your diet, you’ll not only feel great, you’re more likely to stick to it long term.

Related article: Your guide to eating clean

Drink less booze

After one too many tipples over the festive season, you’re perhaps contemplating giving your liver a much needed rest with a dry January?

While short stints of cold-turkey sobriety can be beneficial to your health, if you plan on celebrating an alcohol-free month with a big blow out on Feb 1st, you’re probably better off making a conscious effort to drink a little less throughout the year Instead.

A great way to reduce your alcohol consumption is to opt for alcohol free alternatives to your favourite drink(s). While they may not give you a buzz, they can help take the edge off, you can drive home afterwards and you’ll wake up hangover free.

Drink more Water

Drinking more H20 is another great way to give your health a boost in 2019. The simplest way to make sure you get your recommended dose of 8 glasses a day is to fill a 2-litre bottle of water at the start of each day and don’t go to bed until the bottle is empty.

For an added health boost, add a splash of fresh lemon juice to your water before breakfast.

Get a regular massage

regular massage

Now we’re talking! Make it your new year's resolution to get a regular massage. Not only are they an indulgent gift to oneself at the end of a tough work week, they can help you destress, improve athletic performance, reduce muscle pain, tension, and the risk of overuse injuries.

Prioritize a good night's Sleep

Instead of the regular late-night episode of whichever series is trending on Netflix, turn off the tv and get into bed an hour earlier than usual. Despite having fewer waking hours to get through the list of your daily tasks, you’ll feel more energized, focused, and productive allowing you to bash through your workload in less time.

A final word.

One of the best things about the new year is that it offers a fantastic opportunity to make some positive changes to your lifestyle. Regardless of how big or small the resolutions, take it one day at a time and don't panic if you have the occasional slip along the way.

Best of luck and happy new year!

Related article - Expectations vs reality - the truth about your fitness goals


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